The helmet's design allows for the addition of devices such as communications and night-vision equipment.
Matters such as defence, external relations and communications would be handled by a central authority.
Other companies in sectors such as oil and communications must also have way-leaves for work they want to carry out on private land.
In succeeding years they focus on their chosen field, such as fine arts, visual communications and graphic or fashion design.
These cover diverse areas such as medical advances, environmental issues and global communications.
It is also the continent with the highest growth rates in some of the most advanced technologies, such as internet and mobile communications.
Forbes also reports on related subjects such as technology, communications, science, and law.
In addition, support services, such as communications, evidence, and property control services are provided.
The information office offers business services (such as communications), meeting rooms and other facilities for people working at trade fairs.
It is an important complement to other means such as military communications the radio.