These institutions are usually educational institutes such as colleges and senior secondary, secondary, or high schools.
Is eligibility restricted to a particular type of institution, either within a state or within a school category, such as independent colleges?
It operates various facilities such as an orphanage, schools, colleges, and a technical centre.
Be suspicious of other PCs located in public access areas, such as colleges and universities.
The town has services such as schools, colleges, hospitals, banks and many Hi-Tech facilities.
The rich also funded charities and institutions such as hospitals and colleges.
Tribes have established many new institutions, such as tribal colleges and universities, that help them preserve their cultures.
Blood drives involving bloodmobiles usually happen in public places such as colleges and churches.
Ten units have been built for residential houses and institutions such as schools, prisons and colleges.
Master Electricians go through extensive on site and classroom training, with little work in more formal settings such as schools or colleges.