Complaints may also be raised against other types of credit related companies, such as debt-collection agencies.
Chinese state owned enterprises are owned by a variety of actors such as local governments and governmental agencies.
Some areas, such as uniformed agencies and schools, are being asked what would be lost if budgets were trimmed 5 to 10 percent.
Previously, local entities such as counties and regional agencies delivered mental health services by directly employing the care providers.
For this reason, it is essential that organizations such as federal agencies establish management frameworks for dealing with these changes on an ongoing basis.
He said the company was offering similar packages to big institutions such as hospitals, universities and governmental agencies.
The training facilities operated by the governmental offices such as ministries and agencies.
The consortia were to be formed of existing interested local parties, such as local newspaper groups and agencies.
There are many relatively small regions based on local government agencies such as districts, agencies, or regions.
Further intermediaries, such as literary agencies, marked this more developed phase.