He made close friends during the short time with players such as Leon Osman (with whom he still plays football) and Richard Wright.
Glasgow-based figures such as Richard Wright, Karla Black, Nathan Coley and Martin Boyce are artists making work on an international stage.
Many post-war activists such as Luis Valdez, Ralph Ellison and Richard Wright have claimed that they were inspired by the zoot suit riots.
In contrast to his contemporaries such as Richard Wright and James Baldwin, Ellison created characters that are dispassionate, educated, articulate and self-aware.
The movement's writers including Langston Hughes, and slightly later figures such as Richard Wright, addressed the themes of "noireism" and racism.
He was an enthusiastic reader as a child and was inspired by writers such as Hughes and Richard Wright.
She achieved some celebrity by introducing notable authors through the magazine such as J. D. Salinger, Tennessee Williams and Richard Wright.
In 1948, with the encouragement of authors such as Richard Wright and Margaret Walker, Davis published a collection of poems, entitled 47th Street: Poems.
During the American Civil Rights movement, authors such as Richard Wright and Gwendolyn Brooks wrote about issues of racial segregation and black nationalism.
She met many important activists and cultural figures such as Richard Wright and Katharine Dunham.