The employee, well aware of Apple's rules on divulging trade secrets to the press, succinctly explained the issues.
"She was very attractive," he would succinctly explain later, "and I pursued the matter."
"We located the guy," she explained succinctly.
He succinctly explains how to use the diagram - one must strike out the regions that are to vanish:
"There is a good, old American expression, which you would not understand, that explains succinctly just how I purpose winning Ope over."
"I take on situations nobody else wants to touch," he explains succinctly.
Investors were shaken by the news, and also dismayed because Williams could not succinctly explain its exposure to its former subsidiary.
"A normal Klingon has a sense of smell superior to yours or mine," Kirk explained succinctly.
And he succinctly explains his management philosophy, "I tend to stay out of peoples' way."
Mr. Connelly is good at succinctly explaining what has happened earlier, and he fills in all the blanks.