Caesar gives only a succinct account of Tasgetius's reign and death:
Among the many reasons for such a failure discussed in this remarkably succinct account, one especially stands out.
He gave a succinct and accurate account of what had happened.
Mr. Becker, 30, who has worked in politics for 10 years, offered a succinct account of what had happened to him.
It was she who stood erect and gave a succinct account.
Exactly what this succinct account may tell us of Eirik's second rise to power, if at all, is frustratingly unclear.
Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation is a succinct and brief account of a complicated physical situation.
It was a clear succinct account, and as suctx appreciated by the little elderly man with the egg; shaped head who sat listening to him.
'Be so good as to give me a succinct account of the law as it at present stands.'
I then gave the gallant major a succinct account of the whole business, as told me by Lizzie.