He could have continued to sit in the stands on Friday nights and watch Rohm's successor succeed or fail.
Three decades later, their successors are again facing contentions that oil companies are making too much money and have failed to expand production.
However, these two had both retired by 2001, and their successors failed to maintain the high standards that Ambrose and Walsh had set.
His successor failed to capitalize.
His son and successor, the elder Sadiq al Mahdi, failed to enjoy the respect accorded his father.
His successor, Gyula Károlyi, failed to quell the crisis.
Her successor as Labour candidate, Sharon Taylor, failed to hold the seat.
His preferred successor, Steve Soboroff, a Republican businessman, was third in the primary and failed to make it to the runoff.
In New York, some huge schools have been broken apart only to see their smaller successors fail.
Finally, the actual successor fails and no other feasible successor is currently identified.