From that point on, modularity held steady with successive releases.
It's unusual to see a film franchise where the screen count dwindles with each successive release.
The different versions of the game varied slightly in their user interface, which was progressively improved with each successive release.
Power creep is the gradual unbalancing of a game due to successive releases of new content.
The graphics and visuals of Age of Empires improved with each successive release.
According to Esser, the time taken to package each successive release took longer than the previous.
Germanic paganism has been more and more a common theme for Death in June with each successive release.
This continued with each successive release in the kin series.
However, many of these shortcomings have been addressed with each successive release of GarageBand.
The ability to save games was not enabled with the first patch, and some minor typos were left in, later remedied by successive releases.