And what that has the effect of is it speeds up the second and third and successive pages on the same site.
The page layouts suggest a kinetic reading experience beyond the turning of successive pages, and have been designed to create individualized reading experiences, where the reader chooses how to engage the array of photographs, essays and marginal commentaries.
The critic Harold Bloom called it "an amazing achievement, one of those rare collected volumes that when you go from beginning to end the poetry improves on each successive page."
Use a link on your page to the home page of the image proprietor's Web site and explain how to page down through his successive pages and all of his extraneous material to find the image.
At times this works very nicely, as on the first spread, and on successive pages when the mice run up the "knobby tree" or play "climb-a-stalk."
As a viewer looks through the books, the words, differently situated on successive pages, have a visual flow.
Dog-earing more than one successive page can cause problems, as the flaps (depending on the thickness of the paper and the number of pages) may cause the marked sections to bulge and distort the book.
As the head of Indian Affairs walked back into the metal stacks, the Hawk took a single-edged razor out of his pocket and sliced out fifteen successive pages of the archival ledger.
A different setting made it spray abstract patterns and ink globules on two successive pages.
And so by just experimenting this morning, I realized that successive pages, when they weren't being scrolled by KatMouse visibly, it was a different tab that was receiving the scroll message.