In 1995 Grigorovich was ousted from his autocratic rule, after which the company staggered on under successive directors.
Since then, successive creative directors have embellished and embroidererd the basic principle that you can't enjoy anything, whether it be a football game, a painting or a sunset, without company, the more and more raucous the merrier.
If the norm is a constantly changing repertory, this is because the company's successive artistic directors have long been famous for jettisoning the productions of their predecessors.
Within this artistic profile, BalletMet's aesthetic lineage under successive directors has not been clearly defined.
Three successive directors substantially enlarged the collections of economic products, medicinal plants, artifacts, archeological materials, pollen, and photographs.
"Three successive artistic directors of the Hartman Theater couldn't make it here."
Its collection is the product of donations from wealthy Alexandrians as well as of excavations led by successive directors of the institution, both within the town and in its environs.
Mr. Limon died in 1972 and the difficult job of keeping his company's repertory alive has fallen on the shoulders of several successive directors with only Carla Maxwell achieving longtime tenure.
The only stipulation by law is that the profits be spent on the acquisition of other items for the collection, which means that a museum will, more than ever before, become the show-case of each successive director's taste.