Widjojo Nitisastro held ministerial rank in successive Indonesian cabinets for most of the 1970s until 1983.
By seeking to spend their way back to growth, successive cabinets here have turned Japan into the industrialized world's most indebted country.
Hariri appointed Siniora as Minister of Finance in his successive cabinets.
From 1844 through 1848, the country saw several successive Liberal cabinets, all plagued by internal divisions.
During the years following 1857, successive cabinets quickly collapsed, unable to muster a majority in the Chamber of Deputies, as the two Conservative wings undercut each other in a fight for dominance.
In successive cabinets from 1898 to 1901, he served as Minister of War.
After the August 23, 1944 Royal Coup, he was Minister without portfolio in two successive cabinets of Constantin Sănătescu.
Balkenende has been prime minister of four successive cabinets.
As the heirless king Frederick VII grew older, Denmark's successive National-Liberal cabinets became increasingly focused on maintaining control of Schleswig following the king's future death.
In 1924 he became Minister of Justice, and served in that position in successive Liberal cabinets until his death in 1941.