A highlight of this exercise was a covert SEAL team extraction in shallow water only a few miles off the Carolina coast, successfully validating the stealth characteristics of the DDG-51 class.
You need to fix all errors and successfully validate the form before the form can be filed.
Huang [ 11 ] successfully validated differential expression of 15 genes identified by cross-species (mouse on human microarray) hybridisation using reduced stringency.
The declarant will be provided with a Movement Reference Number when the data has been validated successfully.
Three recent studies have identified and successfully validated protein-coding transcripts as PTEN ceRNAs in prostate cancer, glioblastoma and melanoma.
AquaMaps predictions have been validated successfully for a number of species using independent data sets and the model was shown to perform equally well or better than other standard species distribution models, when faced with the currently existing suboptimal input data sets (Ready et al, 2010)
On May 1, 2009, Visa and Heartland issued a statement that Heartland successfully validated its compliance with PCI DSS and has been returned to Visa's list of PCI DSS Validated Service Providers.
From this work, the Takahashi lab successfully validated the tau mutant genetically by discovering the affected locus and subsequently established a model of circadian protein interaction by which the effects of the tau mutation could be explained.