During the war, Pollock successfully transported 60,000 American soldiers to France in 18 round trips.
Smith was the first rocket experimenter to successfully transport foodstuff, medicine and livestock via rockets.
The machine successfully transports Rimmer to a reverse universe but breaks soon afterwards.
The railway network successfully transported that day over 132,000 troops and other passengers for the occasion.
Were they successfully transported?
As a general rule, the more delicate the noodle, the more difficult it is to transport successfully.
Parsons successfully transported his men from Long Island, joining the main body of the army as it withdrew from the city.
The wine, in fact, seems to be the only thing the Napa Valley Grille successfully transports from California, which is not a remarkable challenge.
The IMS successfully transported three ships of African American migrants to Liberia.
The lithopanspermia hypothesis suggests that rocks ejected into outer space from life-harboring planets may successfully transport life forms to another habitable world.