Our man had successfully traced the lodgekeeper's daughter and her husband to a small town in one of the Western States.
In Sehsaram district, very few Pathans live and in fact none of the Sher Shah Suri's family members were ever traced successfully.
However, the Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General reported only 18,585 seized Mexican firearms were successfully traced to the United States in the last five years (2005-2009) out of 66,028 firearms submitted by Mexico to ATF for tracing.
One percent or fewer of the actual number of food-borne illnesses are reported, analyzed, identified and successfully traced.
(Curiously, interviewing a fraction of the boys Walsh did, I spoke to several, now safely resettled, who said they had successfully traced parents through a rudimentary letter-passing system set up in the camp.)
Terry Dean also successfully traced living relatives of Mackereth: on 10 May 2010, it was reported that one of Mackereth's first cousins, Mr John Sloan, had been located.
Over 90% of the study population was successfully traced, with a median follow up of 14 years.
- a substantial percentage of recovered firearms cannot be successfully traced for several reasons.
If the firearm is traced successfully, the name of the [first] purchaser, the identification used, physical description, place of purchase, and a calculation of the time period between the retail sale and the criminal recovery (time-to-crime) is also given.
BY mid-afternoon of the next day, The Shadow, aided by Moe Shrevnitz, in the latter's reconditioned cab, had successfully traced Norman Selwood.