Mr. Hespe, 40, said one of his main achievements was successfully shepherding the state's $12 billion, 10-year school construction plan through the Legislature.
His legislative record includes successfully shepherding a bill to improve protections for people facing bankruptcy due to family medical crises.
After he successfully shepherded it through the House, his colleagues discouraged his plan to propose the bill in the Senate, but Betts paid them no heed.
Trippe, however, successfully shepherded her convoy into Quiberon Bay, France, made repairs quickly, and resumed her grueling routine.
Ansorge was co-author of the original Port Authority Bill, which he shepherded successfully through Congress.
The pair put on 37 for the tenth wicket before Johnston was out for 12, having successfully shepherded his partner to a double century.
They successfully shepherded it through the Philippine Revolution, supporting the First Philippine Republic by buying war bonds and paying taxes.
Micheli also drafted and successfully shepherded a constitutional amendment to clarify property taxation under Wyoming law.
Stimers had inadvertently demonstrated the inherent difficulty of successfully shepherding complex technological endeavors, something that has bedeviled "project managers" from his time to ours.
Senator Dorsett also demonstrated her leadership by successfully shepherding the passage of a resolution in which the state government apologized for the 1898 Wilmington Race Riot.