A 40-member medical team today successfully separated 16-month-old twin girls joined at the back of the head.
Besides, the few hundred that had been successfully separated were not being accepted at the bank anyway.
At the end, the twins were successfully separated and can now survive independently.
But I will be first to successfully separate a fairy from its gold.
Later, Paoli successfully separates the boys, but wonders if he has done the right thing.
In the simulation, the crew had successfully separated the submersible from the station.
When the satellites have successfully separated, the primary mission will begin, signaling the start of fourth phase.
Beagle 2 successfully separated from its mother ship on Friday and is on course for a landing.
At first, Martin Marietta reported that the satellite had successfully separated from the rocket.
As director of the 22-member team that in 1987 successfully separated Siamese twins joined at the head, he was in the national news for weeks.