The Compagnie's first major expedition in 1682 successfully seized York Factory.
Julie was part of the assault team on the Los Angeles Mothership, and successfully seized control of its command center.
Local governments and postal officials successfully seized the opportunity to raise additional funds.
According to a statement posted yesterday on the website, unauthorized parties successfully seized root access to several servers and planted a trojan.
The French command confusion may have been decisive in creating the opportunity, which Wellington successfully seized and exploited.
Despite this, the review went on to say that there still remained several scenes that would successfully seize the imagination and interest the passions of readers.
They earn millions of dollars for each ship they successfully seize.
The Arakanese chronicles say that Khayi successfully seized Chittagong in 1450.
At the end of the battle, the FSA successfully seized the checkpoint.
After a 30 hour period, Marines on board the patrol ships successfully seized 63 packages of marijuana that sum up to 850 kilograms.