Some YB members successfully retreated to Germany, some stayed in the zone occupied by Red Army.
The Russo-Austrian forces suffered more casualties but were still able to successfully retreat.
After suffering heavy casualties, the remaining British units successfully retreated back into Nigeria.
In the stampede that followed, O'Reilly was able to retreat to the bridgehead successfully and covered the withdrawal of Ott's column that evening.
They then successfully retreated to Chechnya under cover of hostages.
After an inconclusive engagement, the British successfully retreated to New York City.
Given the time he needed Sanada's forces were able to successfully retreat from the Eastern army.
The Union forces retreated successfully towards Rutledge road.
The attack failed, but Muir retreated successfully to Detroit.
Charles successfully retreated with most of his army, but had to abandon nearly all of the booty from his campaign and return to France.