The workers, with the support of state politicians and Hollywood stars, the workers won a contract and successfully pressured the employer to keep the plant open.
The party won almost 15,000 votes in the 1990 elections, successfully pressuring the council to approve the plans for the new stadium.
Popp successfully pressured the Travis County District Attorney not to seek the death penalty for her daughter's murderer.
George successfully pressured Milliken to endorse her, but gained bad publicity when The Detroit News exposed his actions.
The United States successfully pressured its allies to postpone a similar decision on Romania and Slovenia until 1999.
This campaign successfully pressured many Mississippi service stations to provide restrooms for blacks.
His victory is credited with successfully pressuring the government to agree to bring the province into the plan.
The CWSA successfully pressured schools of higher education in Toronto to accept women.
The senator's staff successfully pressured the stations not to run the ads.
She has safeguarded the plan under Mr. Giuliani, and successfully pressured the city to clean and fence vast amounts of empty land.