Operation Orkan 91 successfully neutralized a total of 21 Serb-held fortified positions and brought 170 square kilometers under Croatian control.
Dolendi had been the focus of a far-flung web of radar sites and fire-control bases, but the bombardment appears to have successfully neutralized them all.
In the match Del Rey pinned Haze, while Deeb successfully neutralized Kong with a spear.
Topalov successfully neutralizes all of Anand's winning chances.
The Task Group was also able to successfully neutralise the enemy on a number occasions in previously impenetrable sanctuary areas.
After successfully neutralizing the guarding black operations unit, Shephard disarms the device and proceeds to the nearby storage areas, intent on escape.
Although technologically superior, the Ancients were a passive people by nature, and lacked the familiarity with aggression and strategic thinking to successfully neutralize the Wraith.
This is less a performance than an impersonation presented as a performance, which successfully neutralizes any sense of spontaneity and fun.
All too often they successfully neutralized police, soldiers and judges.
After successfully neutralizing the enemy in that sector, he rejoined his platoon and moved forward with his unit until fired upon from additional Japanese entrenchments.