Mr. Penney has appeared in cases that have had issues litigated successfully before the California Supreme Court.
Steinberger successfully litigated the nation's largest mass tort litigation ruling ever in a silicone implant case, which was awarded $4.9 billion in a class action.
He successfully litigated against Filmation Associates, which was forced to pay him for the remainder of his contract, plus residuals, including the entire second season.
Hinck successfully litigated a series of cases that in 1994 enabled the Republic of Palau to become a sovereign nation.
"We weren't going to successfully litigate those cars anyway, and all it managed to do was overburden our resources."
He could make a rampart of a legal brief, too, successfully litigating a landmark 1951 fight against the powerful Metropolitan Life Insurance Company.
He handed over his interest in West End to his partner, thinking the company was bankrupt; he successfully litigated to retrieve it in the 1990's.
She successfully litigated against her mother and siblings for her share of her father's property.
Kremen also successfully litigated against Network Solutions.
He successfully litigated many of their land claims against the Federal Government.