He ousted Blackbeard from his position as Magistrate of the "Privateers Republic", reformed the civil government and successfully expelled the pirates.
However, his sons took refuge in Málaga with the Umayyad caliph, and returned once Messala had left the region and successfully expelled his garrison.
Overall, the woods were attacked by the Marines a total of six times before they could successfully expel the Germans.
The Curaçao militia successfully expelled the English, restoring Dutch rule.
He successfully expelled Islamist militants from Saudi Arabia.
Following the Persian invasion, its expansionism brought it into conflict with the Greek monarch Alexander the Great who successfully expelled the Persians.
In a series of assemblies, the Croquants, as they were derogatively called, worked on a military plan for action and successfully expelled the garrisons from their lands.
The Kangxi Emperor was able to successfully expel Galdan's invading forces from these regions, which were then incorporated into the empire.
Two years have passed since NATO successfully expelled Serbian forces from Kosovo, a remarkable achievement.
The conflict was intensified by personal animosity between the two governors, and came to an end when d'Aulnay successfully expelled la Tour from his holdings.