After this point, the English authorities in Dublin established real control over Ireland for the first time, bringing a centralised government to the entire island, and successfully disarmed the native lordships.
White Base successfully disarm the nuclear attack, and Operation Odessa ended in a total victory for the Federation.
He successfully disarmed his own republic's spirited nationalist guerrilla gangs rather than pander to them for short-term populist gains and face long-term law-and-order headaches.
Andrew eventually gets into a confrontation with Rick, successfully disarming him.
Riley successfully disarms the suspect, which allows all of them to walk away unharmed.
On Monday, March 15, 2004, police successfully disarmed bombs in a van outside the U.S. Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan.
In the episode "Lesson", he managed to successfully disarm Skeletor of the Ram-Stone.
At the same time, Tammy arrives at Arthur's apartment and tries to force Ben to take her back at gunpoint, but Ben successfully disarms her and throws her out.
But when he sees that the book is short on several chapters, he picks a random wire to cut, which successfully disarms the bomb.
Mackenzie successfully disarmed all silos, however the last were booby-trapped: when Mackenzie went inside to work on that, the multi-megaton warhead exploded.