Tosh recognizes that one of the books' ISBN numbers could be the code, and successfully disables the lockdown.
So you could successfully disable Windows Metafiles.
Emma's team successfully disables all the Bio-Sentinels and takes down Trask.
Ryan and his men successfully disable one electric interlocking tower and switch the train off on the key line to Switzerland.
Eventually Lionel/Steeplejack successfully disables surrogates throughout the city.
Assisted by Grunt, Zap successfully disables the bomb.
During the late afternoon and until after dark, two soldiers successfully disabled the leading tank using grenades.
Mickey and Jake successfully disable the transmitter from the zeppelin, causing the humans about to be converted to flee.
Dr. Felten was part of a group that says it successfully disabled the system.
When Fisher successfully disables the electronic device he aimed at, a green light appears on the pistol; if he misses, a red light appears.