Here corresponds to those set of vertices that was not able to successfully decode their codeword in the round.
This process continues until the receiver signals that the message has been received and successfully decoded.
For the CPU to successfully decode and execute instructions, the supplied voltage must not drop below the minimum voltage level.
Children can successfully decode emotion.
To successfully decode an input bit requires a large number of phase shift sequences to be received, causing a 20 bit, 640 millisecond latency (delay) in the output of the decoder.
Scientists successfully decode the gorilla genome, the last of the Great Ape genuses to be sequenced.
In such cases, an attacker can quickly check to see if a guessed password successfully decodes encrypted data.
By synchronizing the subcarrier with the local oscillator of the television receiver, the RGB colors can be decoded successfully.
However, other kinds of analysis ("attacks") successfully decoded messages from some of those machines.
Both flight recorders were found and successfully decoded.