Sam and Robby make up, and the remaining residents of the town are successfully cured.
He stated that he had successfully cured a young man of homosexuality.
Higes also claims to have successfully cured colonies with fumagillin.
They return to the lab where Valerie is successfully cured, but Boone dies from the loss of spinal fluid.
Some health problems can be cured or managed successfully for many years with available treatments.
The film is about a psychiatrist that is meeting with a serial killer to determine whether or not he has been successfully cured.
Since 1995, there have been over fifty documented disease cases in North America and Europe, of which only nine have been successfully cured.
Peter and everyone else are successfully cured.
He administers it, and she is successfully cured.
In reality, thousands of tuberculosis patients were medically treated and successfully cured by Deborah physicians.