Ronald Reagan successfully courted evangelical Christians in the campaign while advancing little of their agenda as president.
Boniadi was then allegedly flown to New York where Wilhere introduced her to Cruise, who successfully courted her.
He successfully courted her and they later marry.
Mr. Shipley said the squab cooperative had been successfully courting new customers, especially some expensive specialty restaurants where the bird has become a popular novelty item.
Hawthorne, whom Melville courted successfully at first and then repelled with his puppyish adoration, took pains to mask his motives and feelings.
However, Henry successfully courted Rhys, offering the lieutenancy of all Wales in exchange for his fealty.
It was an unforgettable address, in large measure because Washington successfully courted white and black Southerners and white Northerners alike.
In this situation, when a certain character successfully courted a girlfriend, she asked him into her house for "coffee."
Sambhaji successfully courted several Bijapur sardars to join the Maratha army.
Instead, he successfully courted the Liberal Party, the natural enemies of Republicans, so that he could broaden his general election appeal.