The diesel and turbo diesel models were to become the most successful variants, they were especially popular as estates and became the best selling diesel car in Britain.
F.28 Mk 3000 - With the shorter fuselage of Mk 1000, it was one of the more successful variants, with greater structural strength and increased fuel capacity.
This will be a 'successful' variant of clay.
This "nothing is as it seems" experience probably accounts for Alice Chess remaining Parton's most popular and successful variant among numerous others he invented.
Development flying and route proving with the Comet 3 allowed accelerated certification of what was destined to be the most successful variant of the type, the Comet 4.
An additional technique known as DNA shuffling mixes and matches pieces of successful variants in order to produce better results.
It is a successful (slight) variant of the general process of constructing a new population.
Having achieved a low pathogenicity, over time, variants more successful at transmission will be selected.
A more successful variant is one for use with approximate quantities.
Morland, in a work published in 1655, wrote about his experimentation with different horns and his most successful variant.