He has been a perennial candidate for the party with some moderately successful showings during his career.
As noted, a successful showing at the Salon was a seal of approval for an artist.
A successful showing at the salon was a seal of approval for an artist, making his work saleable to the growing ranks of private collectors.
Gorski said such a situation further hinders what has proved to be a fitfully successful showing by rehabilitation programs with the general population.
We can only hope that Spider-Man continues this remarkably successful early showing.
While the $250,000 prize went unclaimed, Sasuke 26 was the start of a successful showing by a collection of American competitors.
She helped prepare the team for their successful showing at the 1999 World Championships, but ended up returning to Russia shortly afterwards.
Czech swimmers had a successful showing at the games as well.
Pasarell competed in major tournaments from 1960 through 1979, with his most successful showings coming in doubles.
There was the rousingly successful showing of the designer of the moment (Christian Lacroix).