Bragg referred to his retreat as a withdrawal, the successful culmination of a giant raid.
Her arrival in South Africa marked the successful culmination of five years of construction, trials and training to establish South Africa's first ever submarine capability.
A sale would be the successful culmination of a turnaround strategy by venture capitalist Mike Lawrie, who joined as chief executive in November 2006.
The master of darkness had followed Harry Vincent and Harvey Wendell to the plantation house that he might witness the successful culmination of their efforts.
Cautiously, he allowed himself to recognize that the successful culmination of his labyrinthine scheme might possibly be at hand.
Like Mary Ching, the China doll who had helped Bolan bring his California hit to a successful culmination.
Training reached a successful culmination on 22 May, and a two-week upkeep period followed.
At the successful culmination of the first season, the second season of the show began on August 4, 2007.
A learned music critic has said that MLV brought the struggle of women in the world of music to a successful culmination.
But the production of true medical miracles, or radical surgical procedures, or the successful culmination of a line of xenobiological research, can be personally unsatisfying to certain types of doctor.