The 2001 Super 12 season was his least successful in charge - the Crusaders finish tenth.
He knew the frenzy of a rapid successful charge.
The citation read: Led one of the most desperate and successful charges of the war.
When an opportunity for a successful charge appeared, the infantry would open ranks to allow the mailed cavalry to advance.
Stripe charges a fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per successful charge.
There was a successful charge by the British 7th Dragoon Guards on the last day of the war.
"Hydolar-unless you can find a way to lead a successful charge against their guns and rifles."
Although this was a successful charge, it was defensive in nature.
He led several successful charges against smaller Swedish contingents, but was finally forced to retreat.
Austrian right flank cavalry advanced, encountered the same difficult ground but managed some successful charges.