This position gave her access to military secrets and to advanced weaponry, both of which she used for her own criminal and subversive purposes.
Viénet used the situationist technique of détournement - the diversion of already existing cultural elements to new subversive purposes.
Collage also serves the artist's subversive purposes.
Mr. Tate is an elegant and anarchic clown, a lord of poetic misrule with a serious, subversive purpose.
The term détournement (literally 'diversion') signified the deliberate re-use of plagiarised material for a new and usually subversive purpose.
The Situationists, too, in their demolition job on the 'spectacle' of capitalism had used pornography for what they regarded as subversive purposes.
So were divinatory techniques such as astrology when used for illicit, subversive or magical purposes.
The apparent irresponsibility and the possible use of such groups for subversive purposes should be kept in mind.
The inquiry was made without overt malice, but she didn't doubt its subversive purpose.
John Whitledge, the founder of the label, thought up this game, which had a subversive purpose, as he will explain.