Although regulation blunted much of the subversive potential of radio, it did not entirely kill it.
The subversive potential of new technologies, Mr. Stephens said, has only begun to be tapped.
The East is Blue is an essay by Salman Rushdie about the subversive potential of pornography in Asia and the Muslim world.
He published the collection of short stories Petrifikacija in (2001) in which he explored the subversive potentials of different genres (horror, science fiction, detective).
The human body in its relation to machines, explored both in its apocalyptic and subversive potentials remains a major theme of his work.
In Thailand, the initial effort of Communist China and North Vietnam will probably be to increase their subversive potential, particularly in the northeastern frontier area.
In 1988 it was discovered that an envelope had been seized by the United States Post Office Department in 1917 because of its "subversive potential".
But the subversive potential of the Internet will be realized only if large numbers of game players start using their computer literacy for more serious pursuits.
The subversive potential of these attacks was kept at bay only insofar as Diaz could deliver on his promise to restore order to a violent and divided country.
All of this unconventionality also got the band plenty of attention from local communist authorities who saw subversive and incendiary potential in their sound and appearance.