However they found no literature of subversive or disloyal nature or any prohibited possessions.
When publicly asked whether this gesture was of an affirmative or subversive nature, they claimed they did it for "personal reasons".
Once published, it took Assam by storm because of its subversive nature.
Due to its subversive nature and chapters concerned with controversial issues such as rape, murder and sexual experimentation, it was banned in several countries.
Libelles were invariably of a political nature, both slanderous and subversive.
"I loved the subversive nature of it."
It was said he had "a face of such truly angelic innocence that no one could have guessed the subversive nature of his freight".
The main thrust of the intelligence gathering and processing activities has been confined to matters of a political or subversive nature.
The intertextual and subversive nature of the humour was evidenced by the title.
The committee's purpose, in 1947, anyway, was to expose the alleged subversive (read Communist) nature of Hollywood and its film makers.