The serial drama of suburban teenagers plays out nightly in places like this.
After all, they were made by Long Island high school students, and what existence is more cruel than a suburban teenager's?
We took our food to the rotunda and sat among the tourists and suburban teenagers to dine.
Fifty white suburban teenagers and two black ones.
Most of them are suburban teenagers looking for kicks in their parents' cars, neighbors say.
Few things are as liberating to a suburban teenager as turning 16 and becoming a licensed driver.
Heroin is purer and cheaper than it was a few years ago, he said, and more readily available to suburban teenagers, especially girls.
She has recently covered suburban teenagers, poverty and Chechnya for the magazine.
Maybe a suburban teenager would give birth and stuff the baby in the toilet, but not an Amish woman.
There are lots of people in the peace movement these days, from pale suburban teenagers to left-leaning college professors.