Through the door was a typical suburban kitchen.
The Captain walked through the next room, which was the typical suburban kitchen, opened a typical suburban back door, and stepped outside.
Now it was being sung in my very contemporary suburban kitchen, in a home where the recipes are almost the last vestiges of the old traditions.
The suburban kitchen, which is supposed to be destroyed by the end, is merely messy, closer to a teenager's room than a post-apocalyptic disaster area.
For the 90's recession, the proper visual would be men and women alone in their suburban kitchens, using their touch-tone telephones to tell a computer they're still out of work.
The nine new wooden tables for four would not look out of place in a suburban kitchen.
The battle between good and evil was now relocated into the suburban kitchens, bedrooms and even the stairs of modern Britain.
The suspect finds himself in a cozy suburban kitchen filled with snacks, only to discover the "Dateline" correspondent Chris Hansen and hidden cameras lying in wait.
They live the high life until one day they are swept away in a take-out bag and end up in a sterile suburban kitchen with no food in sight.
It looks like a lavish suburban kitchen, fake windows and all, in contrast to the neighboring vignette, located on the part of the map associated with Central Park.