And yet there was something subtly wrong with the scene, enough to hold Jaffe at the door, refusing to step into the cell.
There was something subtly wrong about the distances, a feeling of vast space curled up small.
There was something subtly wrong with the brown rider.
She was having trouble with Skot's responses; they were subtly wrong at key spots.
He still resembled Ransome in general appearance, but his body language was subtly wrong.
Though it was subtly wrong, my human instinct told me.
There was something subtly wrong with Vincento that went beyond the stress and urgency of the moment.
It had been all right, and then it had gone subtly wrong in a way I couldn't explain.
Something about that image looked subtly wrong, somehow, but she couldn't quite put her mental finger on the discrepancy.
There was something subtly wrong in making the movement, but it did not feel like an internal problem.