Both "Death in Chicago" and "Pleasantville" subtly criticize America as a superficial and materialistic culture that can cause immigrant Chinese to feel lonely and isolated.
The novel subtly criticizes capitalism, or at least classism, as a means of escape.
"Razor Boy" is a bitter, ironic pop song with lyrics that subtly criticize complacency and materialism.
Such attendance and popularity among members of the royal court suggest that Fielding was not using the play to subtly criticize them.
Noted for subtly criticizing the Ceauşescu regime at a time when it had return to a hard-line stance (see July Theses), it was itself censored by the officials.
STRAUSS - Do artists ever sing political songs that subtly criticize the government or the former Soviet government?
"He's under twenty-four-hour surveillance," Watari said, subtly criticizing Padrugoi's security.
The Bulls lost their fourth game in a row, and afterward, Skiles subtly criticized his starters, providing a glimpse of why he and Kidd might not have gotten along.
"New Damage" subtly criticizes the right-wing government of the United States.
Speaking after the announcement, Mr. Walters sounded a note of determination while subtly criticizing more liberal approaches.