With the slightest movement of them, he argues, she subtly conveyed complex attitudes and feelings toward other characters and the truth of the situation.
Signs and symbols are used to subtly convey the morals and biblical message across to the audience.
In Chinese, even the name chosen for the park subtly conveys that political message.
The group's director should rethink the male-hating message she subtly conveys and give serious thought to expanding the program to include boys.
Even here - in one of the briefer, comparatively weaker stories - the characters subtly convey the complexities of life.
"A parent who encourages working it out subtly conveys optimism, confidence and cooperation."
The symbols and images that amplify official public acts can subtly convey powerful meanings.
This image subtly conveys age and youth, an adult's power to offer security and a child's instinctive trust.
A lovely woman, she subtly conveyed both the character's coy charm and endearing modesty.
In painting Henry as an iconic hero, however, he also subtly conveyed the tyranny of his character.