That volume now rested on the shelves in place of the original, a clever, subtle parody of it.
The subtle parody of Casablanca seen here is from an episode in which android Kryten falls in love.
Clark Oppenheimer is a subtle but noticeable parody of Superman.
In its original form, the Saint-Saens work is largely comic, but between its broad humor and its more subtle parody, there are also moments of straightforward, shimmering lyricism.
The episode, a subtle parody of the Casablanca film, sees Kryten rescue and fall in love with an android who appears to be the same model as himself.
It seems to be a subtle parody of glam metal bands at the time.
Todd Brown of Twitch Film commented that Shinji Aoyama is creating a subtle parody of the Japanese horror film industry.
Justly, the featured attraction was the exquisite Perú Negro, which presented three works, including "Toro Mata," a subtle parody of European waltzes.
Though the plot is a straightforward adventure yarn - quite unusual for Ballard - the book is actually a subtle parody of American culture.
Eventualism, a subtle parody of Scientology.