Each lone female constructs and attempts to maintain a single subterranean nest for the duration of the flight season.
Frogs in this species spend most of their lives in subterranean nests under sandy ground, where they lay their eggs.
After hatching, some species overwinter in the subterranean nest, emerging the following spring.
At this point the bank was a sheer red clay cliff into which the bee eaters burrowed their subterranean nests.
The mound is built above the subterranean nest.
Ayla's sling brought down a great jerboa emerging from its subterranean nest in rapid bipedal jumps.
Ants may form subterranean nests or build them on trees.
The deepest subterranean nest found was 15 cm under the surface.
Ants had carried the 'seeds', and the 'baby snails', down into their subterranean nests, thinking they were the real thing.
Like most members of genus Dorylus, D. laevigatus constructs subterranean nests.