Adoption laws were intended to provide substitute parents for children whose own parents cannot raise them.
A day-care worker, more than any other teacher, must be a substitute parent.
In the case of edication that is what needs to be done - return to educating people rather than being substitute parents and social workers.
In most cases, playing substitute parent is not a role grandparents seek.
Masson's dogs view their humans as substitute parents and play their lives away.
The more loving and dependable those substitute parents are, the fewer psychological problems she is likely to have later in life.
Whether to describe Eldin as a friend, a substitute parent or anything else that suggests emotional ties is beside the point.
You are the substitute parent when there is a problem with the natural parent.
How does Jan feel about being a paid, substitute parent for someone else's child?
Jess acts as Amy's substitute parent when their parents are debating over whose turn it is to take care of them.