There is no place like that any longer - except Mad River Glen, which is not substantively different from what it was when it opened in 1948.
The song is largely associated with Presley's interpretation, though in execution it is substantively different than Newbury's original version.
Details are unclear but it is not believed to be substantively different from the HT-3000.
But he added that the analysis was "too conservative" and that his article was substantively different.
The keyboard instruments on which we play Chopin, Schubert and Beethoven are not substantively different from those developed in the second half of the 19th century.
The physical processes that lead to MCD are substantively different from those of CD.
They also noted that the methods for selecting the study participants for this age range was not substantively different between the WHO and CDC charts.
The idea of an "open-source" culture runs parallel to "Free Culture," but is substantively different.
If you want to use the same ideas, you need to reformulate them enough to look like a substantively different proposal.
This series is not substantively different from the series 2041, except that they have a stronger engine.