That effort could be aided substantially by an ambitious proposal for the Macy's Mall, arguably the downtown centerpiece.
Between 1655 and 1736, astronomers used the solar observatory at San Petronio to make 4,500 observations, aiding substantially the tide of scientific advance.
Despite these difficulties, it is increasingly clear that comparative genomic approaches will substantially aid efforts to annotate these and other important sequence features.
The report concludes, "This effort has been very successful and Beijing's exploitation of U.S. national laboratories has substantially aided its nuclear weapons program."
He substantially aids his son in his mission to sink a German submarine replenishment ship, for which he is targeted for assassination by the Germans.
Managing the structure and organization of a large model can be a significant part of the modeling process, but is substantially aided by the visualization of influence diagrams.
A.T.& T.'s quarterly performance was aided substantially by more than $900 million in increased sales of expensive telephone switching and transmission equipment and undersea cable systems.
Ceballos accumulated 7 first-quarter points, had two slick assists (to Barkley), tossed down a second-quarter dunk and substantially aided Phoenix's 51-47 halftime lead.
Some form of privatization might substantially aid the first to retire, but later retirees--precisely those people whom the current system is also most likely to shortchange--get left behind.
The emerging doctrine of containment (as opposed to rollback) argued that the United States needed to substantially aid non-communist countries to stop the spread of Soviet influence.