But she added that achieving similar gains across all grade levels would require substantial new spending.
Typically, the repair and decoration associated with moving generate substantial spending but this did not occur in October.
To do so would require substantial spending that most legislatures are unwilling to support.
Prell admitted the project would require substantial spending and major governmental reorganization.
But the catastrophe will also add stimulus to the economy in the form of substantial new spending by the federal government for security, defense and rebuilding.
Strong patent protection has allowed substantial spending on innovation.
President Clinton arrived at that approach reluctantly, after taking office in 1993 with plans for substantial new spending on highways, health care and other programs.
Wenger has given up on the youth only policy, and there will be substantial spending for next season.
They're arguing about whether health care, education, energy, and infrastructure are necessary areas for substantial federal spending and oversight.
Even in Poland, where advocates of shock therapy claim success, the authors point out that there was substantial social spending.