South Africa hopes to avert a similar crisis by setting up an orderly system to give blacks a more substantial slice of the economic pie.
But they turned off some moderates and independents, who are a substantial slice of the California electorate.
Bradley would have returned a substantial slice of his income to his new employers for the privilege of reading that file.
Many will demand upfront, unrefundable fees, and all will take a substantial slice of any redress.
The Soviet Union used to account for a substantial slice of the factory's exports.
She had £8,000 in the Gibraltar fund, a substantial slice of which was providing her with a monthly income.
It will only take a few simple changes to take a substantial slice off your carbon footprint.
Most disk jockeys for the station are volunteers; they are a substantial slice of local life.
In particular, it is lobbying for a very substantial slice of New York's $54 billion request for federal aid, he said.
A $4.95 Greek pizza provides a substantial slice for everyone at a table of four.