Eastern Germans have lost their free day care and free homes for the aged, but they still have substantial protection.
Agents are given substantial legal protection - similar to that given to employees.
A solid cloud cover affords me no substantial protection against the destructive force of the sun.
Those cases point to a split between federal law and the laws of 49 states, which all afford substantial protection to reporters.
Those bonds are now the subject of a legal dispute, but Citigroup's special securities appear to have provided substantial protection.
They provide substantial protection against thyroid cancer if taken just before or within a few hours after exposure to radiation.
They have said they would voluntarily restrict their advertisements if Congress gave them substantial protection from lawsuits.
In some developing countries, trade secret laws are either non-existent or poorly developed and offer little substantial protection.
As we know, the current copyright system already provides substantial protection for authors of software, giving them control over how their work is used.
Sumner soon concluded that "there was no substantial protection for the freedman except in the franchise."