In later life, Williams and his son would benefit financially from this relationship, receiving substantial landholdings confiscated from the church.
He acquired substantial landholdings and was knighted in 1543.
Despite their support for the Stuarts, the MacDermots Roe of Alderford continued to have substantial landholdings in Kilronan while remaining Catholic.
His paternal grandfather, Mangal Chand Bansal, was a businessman who acquired substantial landholdings and set up several businesses, including ventures in oil and cotton.
He also had substantial landholdings in Mumbai.
He acted as a land agent and was a landed proprietor but, after experiencing long term conflict with his tenant farmers, he sold his substantial landholdings in 1870.
The earldom gave Gaveston substantial landholdings over great parts of England, to the value of £4,000 a year.
They had built up substantial landholdings in the area from the mid-16th century, including large areas of Cannock Chase and the deanery manor of the dissolved collegiate church.
Trinity College continues to be involved in the church's affairs today but divested itself of substantial landholdings around Monks Kirby following the Second World War.
Also the remaining Palestinians should not be left with substantial landholdings.