The melting of the polystyrene foam could result in substantial experimental error.
When the check came the waiter had made a substantial error in my favor.
These days, interest charges are automatically levied with penalties being applied to more substantial errors.
Five year economic forecasts are so prone to substantial error that they tell you nothing.
There was nothing in the evidence to suggest to me that this process was subject to any degree of substantial error.
There still may be substantial error depending on the probe you use, but that will get you close.
If not enough factors are included in a model, there is likely to be substantial error.
Court sampling reveals substantial errors that we are of course concerned to reduce to a minimum.
Frankly, 30 out of 31 cases were of this type, involving substantial errors.
However, with reference to the events on which payments are based, in our understanding there are far too many substantial errors.