This legacy of a community of armed fugitive slaves with a substantial arsenal would lead to tensions with the United States of America.
North Korea conducted its first nuclear weapons test in 2006, and is widely believed to have a substantial arsenal of chemical weapons, deliverable by artillery against South Korea.
Four have substantial arsenals, and three have delivery systems.
France and China are known to have substantial nuclear arsenals, while Israel is understood to have atomic weapons although it will not say so.
Rather, they had stumbled on a nest of gunmen, possibly with a substantial arsenal on hand.
With neighboring India poised to acquire a substantial nuclear arsenal, and Pakistan certain to follow suit, the Chinese detonation could set off a chain reaction that would leave China itself less secure.
The IMF now has a substantial arsenal of financial resources - almost $400 billion.
In April, Iraq informed the United Nations that a substantial arsenal of chemical and ballistic weapons survived the war, but it denied having nuclear arms, nuclear-weapons-grade materials or biological weapons.
Nevertheless, the country is believed to possess a substantial arsenal of chemical weapons.
Some of those profits have been used to build up a substantial arsenal and private army that has many traditional Indian leaders and Canadian and American officials worried.